Employers Staffing Agencies

Time is Money...

Put an End to Wasted Hours and Squandered Resources

The current job market is flooded with staffing agencies and applicants... some professional and viable - others transient and desperate.

When you're trying to find the right candidate for a position in your company, you just don't have the time or money to waste reviewing the same resume from multiple agencies or showing interest in an applicant who is neither available nor interested.

With SubmittalCheck, each applicant's resume is submitted once and only once...

Plus, you know the resume you're reading represents an available candidate who is fully aware of your company and is genuinely interested in the position available.

Get the best return on your hiring investments... no more time and money wasted reviewing bait and switch resumes or waiting for interview no-shows who were never really interested in the first place.

Turn those Stacks and Stacks of Questionable Resumes into a Concise and Organized Database. The SubmittalCheck date and time stamped authorization is a clear, effective, and efficient way for you identify those applicants who are truly interested and available to fill your company's open position and the level of professionalism of the staffing agencies who represent them.

Take Control

Don't allow your HR offices to fall victim to the less-than-ethical practices of some staffing agencies.

Now you can quickly weed out the fly-by-night staffers... doing away with double submissions and bait and switch resumes.

SubmittalCheck puts you back in control - giving you a quick, simple, and free method of verifying the viability of an applicant and the credibility of the staffing agency.

Get Started!